
Ela Fidalgo

Ela Fidalgo, finalist in the prestigious Hyères Festival in 2018 and Best Designer Award in the 2016 edition of Samsung EGO was the first guest speaker. Ela exhibited Earthwork a collection with garments that have over 400 hours of work and were made with recycled materials. Ela spoke about her creation process, behind the scenes aspects of the fashion world and her newest artistic leap: painting. To finish off her intervention, the distinguished organist Jose Luis González Uriol played classic music as Ela completed one of her canvases.

José Morraja

The second conference/performance was with the well-known fashion photographer José Morraja. Morraja has shot campaigns for brands such as YSL, Carolina Herrera, L’Oreal Paris, Biotherm, Diesel o Reebok, and has published his work in magazines such as NEO2, S Moda, I-D or Replica Man, among others. During the conference, he spoke about specific techniques used in fashion, innovation and creativity in photography and concluded with a live fashion shoot staring a contemporary ballet dancer dressed with designs from Hacer Creativo Alumni. As the dancer performed, the photographer shot and the images were instantly projected on large screens for the publics’ delight.

Existence Research Program

Existence Research Program is the name of the group of engineers and creatives who took over the third conference and who until this day had remained anonymous. Two of the three team members presented the creation process of Europe their first fashion collection, part of Samsung Ego 2017. While the creators spoke, two models were on the stage where Hacer Creativo students served as volunteers to change the models with garments from the Europe collection and create different looks live. The conference ended with a live 3D scan of a volunteer from the audience, with this scan, they digitally tried on her, a dress from the new fashion collection they will be launching next year

Vicent Urbani

Italian photographer Vincent Urbani was the guest speaker in April. In preparation for this conference, Vincent had done previous work along with a professional modern ballet dancer with whom he produced photographic and audiovisual material. Vincent Urbani seeked to transmit the beauty and emotions of a live dance performance through photography and video. First, he showcased the photos, then the film and lastly, the audience enjoyed the live performance on which the photography and video were based on.

Javier de Juanas

Javier de Juanas, Stylist at Neo2 Magazine, a go-to reference for style and culture since its launch in 1994, took the stage on the last conference of this first edition of Confluencias. De Juanas started off by introducing his first works as a stylist, continued talking about his work at Neo2 and how the masthead has changed over the years. Lastly, Javier commented on how paper magazines are at a defining moment in time, where creativity and innovation play a key role in their continuance. The conference was followed by a live performance where two models where styled by Javier de Juanas with garments designed and produced by two Hacer Creativo students.

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